JP Sajtó
Image Film
TED Talk
TEDx előadás
The Queen of Chess who defeated Kasparov
Világsakkfesztivál 2018
Skavlan Show
A körülmények között lehet különbséget tenni, nem pedig a nemek között
Cikcakk Sakk Dal
Judit Polgar, the chess prodigy who beat men at their own game
This Female Chess Legend Just Perfectly Took Down Her Sexist Competitors
Judit Polgar, Teaching compassion
Judit Polgár perfect weekend
On the black-and-white battlefield with the world’s greatest female chess player
Female Chess Legend: ‘We Are Capable of the Same Fight as Any Other Man’
30 Smartest People Alive Today
Judit Polgar: Everything was about chess
Világsakkfesztivál 2019
Keynote speech at Third European Education Summit "Digital Education Transformation"